la Semana Santa No Solamente Tiene 7 Dias. todos los dias de la Vida Hay Que Vivirlos al Maximo Cada Dia es una Unica y Nueva Oportunidad de la Vida Para Vivir Con Mucha Pasion. Como Vivio Jesus. Como Si Fuera el Ultimo Dia de Nuestras Vidas Con Amor, Con una Entrega Absoluta y Con Mucha Responsabilidad.
Cada dia Que Dios Nos Dé.... Sera Otra aventura Maravillosa Para Comprometernos Con el Universo Con el Infinito. Para Construir.....Para Reinventar la Vida.... Para Reinvindicarnos Con el Creador de la Vida.
Valledupar is well-known internationally like the City of the Holy Kings and World-wide Capital of the Whale calf. It is a full young city of energy and desire of progress.
84% of the population are in the urban area of the municipality and the territorial densidad is of 68.4 inhabitants by square kilometer (10.93 Rural - 66.80 urban).
The Territory of the municipality of Valledupar is watered by the rivers Cesar, Badillo, Guatapurí, Ariguaní, Cesarito, Dry River, Diluvio and Mariangola. The Valley of the Cesar River most of covers the surface with the municipality. The Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta constitutes the more important mountainous System.
Valledupar is the capital of the department of Cesar - Colombia. It is located in spurs of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta to the margin of the Guatapurí river. In Colombia and South America.
·Who arrives at VALLEDUPAR must visit places like:
·The Church of the Conception
·The Convent of Santo Domingo
·The Cathedral
·The Place Alfonso Lopez With its Platform Francisco the Man and his Colonial architectonic frame.
·The Alleys of the Purrututú, the Mahoma and the one of Pedro Antonio
·The Stony one
·The Park the Vallenata
·The Badillo River
Main the Guatapurí River tourist site of Valledupar with its Stolen Spa, is considered like most beautiful of Colombia by its crystalline and majestic waters that they attract his visitors to enjoy his ebullient tropical vegetation; their exotic and contouring rocks frame the embrujantes and charmers landscapes contributors to believe mysterious legend that inspires to their native ones to compose the most enthusiastic melodies of our folclor.
In addition the necessity is unquestionable to visit the City during the celebration of the Festival of the Vallenata Legend.
In Valledupar there isn’t one plate tipical defined, therefore Is more difficult to define the tipical food in valledupar nevertheless we can to define The kitchen costeña.Hisowns delicious plates based on the fruits of the sea, although also it counts on excellent originating meats of savannahs of Bolivar. The most popular meals in the Caribbean region are, among others, the rice with the Coco in Cartagena, patacón, yam, the clean bun, that is a dough of pounded maize and cheese; the yucca, auyama, the sesame, the meat of I inform in Cesar and the Guajira and the rice with seafood. Very known also he is mote of cheese, preparation with bare yam and mincemeat, Creole cheese and serum.
In the peninsula of the Guajira a great variety of meats is used, some of quite exotic them with respect to other regions of the country: chiguiro, morrocoyo, guatinaja, turtle, armadillo and iguana, to mention only some of them.
The weather in Valledupar is very pleasant, although sometimes is very warm
I like use to go a the guatapuri river for it is the place beatifulest of the city.Here we see a picture of this place.
Several sites of recreational interest in Valledupar exist. In the Stolen spa, the history of the Guatapurí river and the legend surrounds that it, with a place of traditional relaxation of many generations are mixed. The spa by where it passes the river has constituted in a tourist place of great importance. In the noroccidente also is “the Corner”, another special place where the Guatapurí river forms attractive beaches that serve as place of encounter for the tourists. The Park of the Vallenata is another center of diversion. One is located the entrance to Valledupar, by the route communicates that it with Barranquilla or Bucaramanga.
Another one of attractive the tourist ones is the monuments that adorn the different avenues from the city. Such as: The Obelisk, the Upar Cacique, Sculpture of Hernando de Santana, Tribute to the Folclor Whale calf, Escultrua of the fight roosters, the Maria Mulata, the piece of Accordion, the Poporos, the revolution in Mercha, Tribute to the Traveller and the Stolen of Siren.
It is a cement structure of 30 meters of stop located to the entrance of Valledupar in the route that of Barranquilla and Fundación leads to this city. Garci'a like a “tribute to the life” was designed by Carlos architect and its construction, in charge of Helcías architect Castile, dates of 1994, which does not prevent so that, in spite of its youth, or considered like a referring landmark or of the vital space of the city
This represents the three members of a typical set of vallenata music: acordeonero, teller and guacharaquero, must to the talent of the sculptor whale calf Jorge Master. It is located in diagonal 23, avenue Simon Bolivar.
Made by Jorge Master with the technique to fuse in bronze to the lost wax, he is one of most beautiful monuments whereupon it counts the city. Located in the avenue Youth, against the Covered Coliseo “Julio To stop Monsalvo”, stands out by the originality of the concept and the cleaning of the materials that served to conceive this beautiful sculpture that is a recognition - the most adapted, if it loves the three indigenous ethnic groups who still live in the Sierra nevada, as they are it the arhuacos, koguis and the arzarios.
Located in the race 9a with street 12 (Park the Traveller), it was elaborated in fiber glass by the students of the School of Beautiful Arts, under the direction of Do6na Edith Castro de Rodriguez. The intention of this sculpture was to shape the good-natured figure of the traveller of long ago, in the calls municipal buses or kids, came from the neighboring populations.
Para promover los sitios turísticos del departamento del Cesaren la época de semana santa le recomendamos visitar todos los santuarios de este bello departamento.
El lunes santo de reflexión viaje a pueblo bello y conozca uno de los santuarios más hermosos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a una altura de 1200m sobre el nivel del mar, al norte, sur y este con el municipio de Valledupar y pase un día especial con un ambiente tranquilo y agradable, leyéndose un libro mientras contempla la naturaleza tomándose un café orgánico de la sierra.
El martes santo descanse y cierre los ojos oyendo las cataratas del chorro de la Paz a 20 minutos de Valledupar, este municipio tranquilo y callado le ofrecerá ricas almojábanas y un sol reconfortante.
El miércoles santo interiorice su ser y su espíritu transportándose hasta Manaure y su atractivo turístico, las inmensas arenas de sal, blanca y finita mineralizando el mar, el hombre y la tierra.“póngale sal y sabor”
El jueves santo visite las catedrales de valencia, un bello remanso de paz escogido especialmente para el reencuentro con la naturaleza y con Dios.
El viernes santo Jesús nos invita a compartir desde Valledupar a San Diego con un cielo azul despejado, a 5 minutos de La Paz para conocer el rio Tocaimo y sentir la hospitalidad de un pueblo amable y acogedor.
Género: Historia. Obra literaria: . Remembranzas Musicales. Autor: Guillermo Cañas Mendoza Tiempo Comprendido: 2024-2035 Remembranzas Musicales Colombia - Buenas Noticias Por: Guillermo Cañas. Julio -2024. Ni Con el Pétalo de Una Flor. Hoy Quiero Compartir Con Ustedes Una Canción Muy Romántica de Un Cantante Simpático Que Siempre Vamos a Recordar, Porque Siempre le Ha Cantado al Amor. El, es: L eonardo Fabio, de la Argentina , Y Su Máxima Poesía Que Se Titula " Hoy Corté Una Flor " . Para explicarle a los Jobenes de Colombia, especialmente, Para Aquellos, Que Ven Televisión Y No Tienen esa Claridad Política de lo Que Significa el Valor del Respeto , Que Hoy Se Ha Perdido en Nuestra Comunidad. Ya Que Hoy existe Un Plan Preconcebido de Quitarle a Uno, la Ideología del Amor , Por Medio, de las Noticias Mediáticas Como el Feminicidio . Para Imponer la Violencia, Como Una Imposición Frente a la Ideología, Como Una estrategia, Que Util...
Género: Reportaje Obra literaria: El Despertar Colombiano. Autor: Guillermo Cañas Mendoza Tiempo Comprendido: 2024-2035 Cuarto Reportaje. E l D e s p e r t a r C o l o m b i a n o Colombia - Buenas Noticias 5 de Marzo de 2024 Por: Guillermo Cañas. MI Relación Con el Medio Ambiente. Cuidemos la Ciénaga de Zapatosa. Porque Con la llegada del Fenómeno del Niño los colombianos Comenzamos a Comprender Que Tenemos Que estar Bien Con la Naturaleza. Que Tenemos Que Respetar el Medio Ambiente Si no Hay Una Buena Convivencia Con la Madre Tierra Se Acaba la Vida Y Toda Nuestra existencia. Porque, Todo, esto es Producto del Desequilibrio Ecológico, Que Ha Producido el Hombre Y Sus Malas acciones. ¿Qué es el Fenómeno del Niño? El Fenómeno del Niño, es, esto, Que, estamos Presenciando. Es la Consecuencia del Desequilibrio Social al Que Hemos llegado, Como Sociedad Civil. Es la Falta de Ecología Ambiental. ¿...
Justicia- Proceso de Paz en la Habana Cuba. Octubre 1- 8-2015. Valledupar-Colombia-Noticias Internacionales. Quienes, son los Máximos Tribunales Internacionales Por: Guillermo Cañas. Los Tribunales Internacionales, serán los encargados de Investigar y Condenar a los actores Que Intervinieron Directa o Indirectamente en el Conflicto. Iluminados Por la Justicia Divina, Serán elegidos por un Organismo Internacional en Connivencia con organismos nacionales. Serán Jueces Probos, Garantistas, alejados de cualquier cuestionamiento, Para Que sus Fallos, estén Blindados. Los Diez Puntos, Dados a Conocer a la Opinión Pública, Por Parte de los Negociadores de la Habana, es una manifestación clara, y es la Base Fundamental del acuerdo. Obviamente, Faltan Muchos Temas Por Terminar de Desarrollar, pero lo básico, está en ese Comunicado enviado por los negociadores. Frente al ambiente Mediático, Que se ha Qu...
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